Address block details

Address 12599 to 12501 SW Prince Edward Ct, King City, OR 97224

Other possible addresses (other cities may be applicable for this address)
  • 12599 to 12501 SW Prince Edward Ct, Portland, OR 97224
Street SW Prince Edward Ct
Zipcode primary city
Other zipcode acceptable cities
King City, Tigard
Location city
King City

County Washington County
State OR - Oregon
Zipcode 97224
Latitude +45.4055053
Longitude -122.8058990

This address block contains addresses from house numbers 12599 to 12501. This address block contains odd house numbers. All house numbers covered by this block may not be existing in real.

Map of 12599 to 12501 SW Prince Edward Ct, King City, OR 97224

An address block contains many addresses. Find below the details for all addresses in this address block.

Address Page 0
12501, SW Prince Edward Ct, OR 97224
12503, SW Prince Edward Ct, OR 97224
12505, SW Prince Edward Ct, OR 97224
12507, SW Prince Edward Ct, OR 97224
12509, SW Prince Edward Ct, OR 97224
12511, SW Prince Edward Ct, OR 97224
12513, SW Prince Edward Ct, OR 97224
12515, SW Prince Edward Ct, OR 97224
12517, SW Prince Edward Ct, OR 97224
12519, SW Prince Edward Ct, OR 97224
12521, SW Prince Edward Ct, OR 97224
12523, SW Prince Edward Ct, OR 97224
12525, SW Prince Edward Ct, OR 97224
12527, SW Prince Edward Ct, OR 97224
12529, SW Prince Edward Ct, OR 97224
12531, SW Prince Edward Ct, OR 97224
12533, SW Prince Edward Ct, OR 97224
12535, SW Prince Edward Ct, OR 97224
12537, SW Prince Edward Ct, OR 97224
12539, SW Prince Edward Ct, OR 97224
12541, SW Prince Edward Ct, OR 97224
12543, SW Prince Edward Ct, OR 97224
12545, SW Prince Edward Ct, OR 97224
12547, SW Prince Edward Ct, OR 97224
12549, SW Prince Edward Ct, OR 97224
12551, SW Prince Edward Ct, OR 97224
12553, SW Prince Edward Ct, OR 97224
12555, SW Prince Edward Ct, OR 97224
12557, SW Prince Edward Ct, OR 97224
12559, SW Prince Edward Ct, OR 97224
12561, SW Prince Edward Ct, OR 97224
12563, SW Prince Edward Ct, OR 97224
12565, SW Prince Edward Ct, OR 97224
12567, SW Prince Edward Ct, OR 97224
12569, SW Prince Edward Ct, OR 97224
12571, SW Prince Edward Ct, OR 97224
12573, SW Prince Edward Ct, OR 97224
12575, SW Prince Edward Ct, OR 97224
12577, SW Prince Edward Ct, OR 97224
12579, SW Prince Edward Ct, OR 97224
12581, SW Prince Edward Ct, OR 97224
12583, SW Prince Edward Ct, OR 97224
12585, SW Prince Edward Ct, OR 97224
12587, SW Prince Edward Ct, OR 97224
12589, SW Prince Edward Ct, OR 97224
12591, SW Prince Edward Ct, OR 97224
12593, SW Prince Edward Ct, OR 97224
12595, SW Prince Edward Ct, OR 97224
12597, SW Prince Edward Ct, OR 97224
12599, SW Prince Edward Ct, OR 97224