Address block details

Address 2101 to 2129 7th St N, Saint Paul, MN 55109

Other possible addresses (other cities may be applicable for this address)
  • 2101 to 2129 7th St N, North St. Paul, MN 55109
Street 7th St N
Zipcode primary city
Saint Paul
Other zipcode acceptable cities
Little Canada, Maplewood, N Saint Paul, North Saint Paul, North St Paul
Location city
North St. Paul

County Ramsey County
State MN - Minnesota
Zipcode 55109
Latitude +45.0050431
Longitude -93.0138093

This address block contains addresses from house numbers 2101 to 2129. This address block contains odd house numbers. All house numbers covered by this block may not be existing in real.

Map of 2101 to 2129 7th St N, Saint Paul, MN 55109